Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why I Did Badly In Western Art History

Sorry it has been so long! With finals and everything, I found I don't really have the time/energy to write on the side.  Since I was gone for so long, I decided to give you guys a nice little treat! This post will be full of laughs and jokes at my note taking skills.  Without further ado, I give you:

Why I Did Awesome In Western Art History!

First picture:
For those of you who can't read my chicken-scratch, it says, "killed with person".  What person, you may ask? Well, I was asking the same exact thing on the day of the test. It's obviously that one guy, from that one place, with that one thing.
Key Point: I was very specific in my notes.

Second Picture:
Again, for those of you who cannot read my handwriting (my handwriting is better in other pictures, I promise!), it says, "Battle, killing own soldiers so get". 
Key Point: I have amazing sentences that always make sense and are, therefore, easy to study from.

Third Picture:
Don't worry! It's just a beautifully detailed picture of Rome during the Republic Period.  I promise I didn't get THAT bored in class and succumb myself to those inappropriate doodles.
Key Point:  I drew the most detailed pictures to look back on and study from.

Fourth Picture:Can you read what's in the parenthesis? Me neither.
Key Point: I would tell you if I knew, but I honestly don't.

Fifth Picture:
Obviously, that shit was made for woman! Who else could it be for? Disclaimer: I do not remember writing any profanities in my notes, EVER, and do not remember writing this sentence.
Key Point: I simplified what was being said in the lecture to make it easier to go back to later, without knowing what I was doing!

Sixth Picture:
Know what that says? Again, me either.  Best I can make out:
Key Point: "Masilna und his uron to erz"

And last, but certainly the cream of the crop:

Seventh Picture:
Women stayed in the kitchen.  Such true words, and the (sad/awesome) part is, I slightly remember writing this note.
Key Point: I used modern day references to help me remember the living conditions in old Roman society.

I pinkie promise to write something funny and truly amazing soon, and I am sorry I failed you all for so long.  Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, I ended up with an 82% in my Art class. :)

K.G. Sunshine

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Please, Don't Spoil the Movie By Adding Your Own Soundtrack

We have all have seen or experienced the different people that are in the movie theater. Working at a movie theater, I also have much experience dealing with all the different types of people. Now, these stereotypes don't always hold true, so as a disclaimer: Please do not get offended if, while reading this, you realize I am describing you.

Without further ado, I introduce to you, the Movie Goers!

The Talker: Whether it's to the person next to them or on the phone, this person cannot shut their mouth. They comment on the actors/actresses, the plot or (if the movie is based on the book) will spoil the movie for you by saying what happens next. They also enjoy making small, snide comments that they think are funny. In reality, this person is no funnier than a dumpster with a dead body.

The Texter: This person always seems to be sitting in the row one or two rows ahead of you, so the bright light from their cell phone screen distracts you from the movie that you payed a good sum of money to see. They also don't even attempt to hide it. In fact, for the most part it looks like they are attending a Bon Jovi concert during the song, “I'll Be There For You” and they are waving their phone back and forth.

The Laughers: These people are probably the best people on this list to see a movie with (besides the Normal People). Whether is is a hyena, chipmunk or Santa Claus laugh, these people aren't afraid to share it with the entire theater. Even if nothing is funny in the movie, they still find things to laugh about. Example: Bella does one of her infamous gasping/half-gaping mouth moments and the Laugher emits a loud, bellowing laugh.

The Baby: No matter what movie you are seeing,whether it is Happy Feet or Saw XII, there is always a neglected newborn baby in the theater with you. The baby will be starving, have crapped his/her pants and will be terribly tired, but the noise of chopping up bodies is not relaxing enough to sleep. Therefore, this baby will cry on and off your entire movie. The parents could care less about their whining child, and block the shrill cries out of there heads until the movie draws near the last ten minutes. Then it's like a miracle: they are no longer deaf, they hear their child crying and act like the most concerned parent.

The Shooshers: Everyone has encountered at least one of these in their movie watching career. The will find any excuse to “shoosh” the people around them. You cough? Shush. You sneeze? Shoosh! And Heaven forbid your seat creaks, or else they respond with a “SHUT UP!” It's a hard life when you sit by a shoosher. You miss more of the movie by them “shooshing” than the people who are actually making the noise that started the crazed hushing.

The Crier: These are the people that need a box of tissues next to them at all times. Usually female, but I have encountered a few male Criers. I'm not just talking about crying at the generic death or sentimental scenes either. The man is walking down the street in a busy city and they see a homeless person sitting on the bench in the background: Instant tears. The dog in a movie is sitting in the corner with his head in his paws, obviously bored: Heavy sobbing for the neglected dog. I'm all for showing emotion, but there comes a time where you need to man up. They will also usually be blowing their nose quite often during the movie, which causes a major distraction.

The Heavy Breather: This person sounds like they have just ran a marathon and are in desperate need of a deep breath. Every quiet part of the movie, you are instantly drawn to their loud intake and exhale of breath. Usually nasally and you have the occasional whistle. This person needs to take Silent Breathing lessons.

The Kickers/Rockers: You always get excited when you walk into a theater and no one is there. You pick the perfect seat, level with the middle of the screen and near the center of the row. You're disappointed when you see other people walk into the theater, but, it's a big theater! They shouldn't need to sit next to you. Without a doubt, they sit in the seat behind you. You feel your seat fly forward as the “accidentally” hit the back of the chair. This accident occurs about fifty more times throughout the movie. More people enter the theater and, even though the ENTIRE rest of the theater is open, they choose the seat in front of you. As soon as they sit, they plop back in their seat and rock all the way back to hit your knees. They slightly turn and say sorry, and this occurs about thirty more times throughout the movie.

The Couple: I'm all for love, so don't take this the wrong way, but there is nothing worse then when I am sitting in a movie and two rows in front of me, I see two people converge as one big blob and hear face sucking. Major face sucking. That's the reason you have things called “homes” and “bedrooms”, don't do that in the movie theater. It's gross.  Watch the movie.

The Giggling Teenage Girls: The girls who only come to see a movie for the big hollywood tween sensation. Worse in movies with any mainstream “hot” guy (ei. Ryan Gosling, Taylor Lautner). Giggle and make a big ruckus whenever the man appears on the screen and have no idea of the actual plot or other actors/actresses in the movie.

The Slurpers and Cow Chewers: If you are really that thirsty where you are going to sit there and slurp your drink until you get the very last drop of soda out, I will give you five dollars to go and get a new pop. If you are REALLY that thirsty. And, didn't your mother ever teach you to chew with your mouth closed? It's honestly disgusting when I am sitting ten rows away from you and I can hear you chomping on your Reeses Pieces and popcorn. Close your mouth and get a refill you Slurpers and Cow Chewers.

The Demon Children: Running through the aisles, screaming in the theaters or constantly turning to your mother and asking her, “Mom, what happened?” is annoying, little demon children. Please, take a hint from Billy and Mary Jane here who are both sitting quietly in their chairs. There is a reason people like Billy and Mary Jane and then think you are annoying. Another thing, for Heaven's sake, parents, gain control of your children. If you can't control them, you shouldn't be taking them to a movie in the first place. (To the little girl that went and saw Twilight and kept on asking her brother what was going on: Wait until your older when you can understand what is happening. Asking your brother how she got pregnant in the middle of the movie in not an appropriate time or place for that question...)

Testosterone-Filled Males: To all my boys out there that will not succumb to seeing a stupid “girl” movie, this one is you! You love those movies full of action, adventure, and Jackie Chan or Bruce Willis. Screw the plot! As long as there are car chases and guns, you are one happy camper. In fact, whenever there is an explosion, you hoot and holler with joy. Whenever they show a nice car, you pretend to like it and pretend to know exactly what type of car it is. Whenever they show a chick, the less clothes she wears, the hotter you believe she is. You are just the average Testosterone-Filled Male.

The Normal People: Thank the Lord for people like you. You get to your show before the actual film starts, you chew with your mouth closed and you sit nicely throughout the entire movie. You also appreciate movies with actual substance and don't go for movies based on actors or whether or not they are “action-y” or not. If you consider yourself in this category, re-read all of the other options because, chances are, you aren't normal and do one or more of the things listed above. Unless of course, you actually ARE normal. In that case, congratulations! People like you because of your movie theater etiquette!

Happy Thanksgiving!

K.G. Sunshine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

I feel bad for you guys because you can probably tell that I am stalling.  I just have a lot on my plate right now with two exams tomorrow and I have been working quite a lot. So, this is sort of an old piece that I wrote a while back, but I would love feedback! I do realize that it is kind of creepy, and yes, I promise I'm a normal person and not some psychotic maniac. 

That being said, here's the story:

Two children, a boy and girl, were walking down a long, abandoned road in the middle of the winter season. Covered in layers of coats, sweatshirts, gloves, hats and scarves, they slightly waddled their way home. A forest slept to their left with only the sounds of leaves and branches rustling in the wind coming from the dark abyss. To their right a small pond slept, frozen over and motionless.

The two children walked in silence for a long time, until the girl looked over at the boy. She noticed he was glancing into the forest, and his face was etched with worry.

"What's wrong?" she asked, but her voice was carried away with the wind. She moved her arm, slightly bumping his, to gain his attention. "What's wrong?" she repeated, louder this time.

"I-, I-, I thought I saw something," he said, taking another quick glance into the forest. The girl rolled her eyes and let out a slight laugh.

"Stop chasing shad-" she started, but she was stopped when she heard breaking branches coming from the forest.

The children both stopped, turning to face the forest. "What, what was that?" the girl asked. The boy let out a scared cry and ran around to the other side of the girl, using her as a shield from the forest. The girl noticed something moving toward her and closed her eyes and threw up her hands to protect herself as it bounded from the woods in her direction.

After a few seconds, she heard the boy utter a soft “Wow.” She slowly opened her eyes and lowered her hands. Standing before them was a beautiful buck. His golden fur was shining with a blinding brightness against the dreary white and gray of the snow. His antlers sprouted from his head and extended in a wild pattern around his head. His eyes were locked on the children, watching them in silence.

“Don’t move,” the girl whispered softly to the boy still behind her. The buck’s head quickly turned towards the girl and their eyes met. Neither moved for what seemed like hours to the girl. Finally, the buck turned his head and attention to crossing the road.

He leapt into the middle of the road, just as an old red truck came flying down the lane. There was the sound of tires sliding through the snow, and the boy and girl stood motionless on the side of the road. The buck turned his head toward the truck, and watched it, much like he had watched the girl only moments earlier. The truck continued to slide in the buck’s directions and, in the split second before he was hit, the girl could see the muscles in his legs relax.

It seemed like the moment lasted forever, but in a second it was over. The truck ended up crashed into the shallow pond, the buck’s body ended up laying twenty feet off the shore, its body half in the water, its head and front legs lying on top of the ice. His eyes glanced into the distance, not moving, as blood slowly spread on the ice around his head. The driver of the truck jumped out; he was only a young boy, not older than twenty.

He walked around his truck, looking at the damage of the engine and front bumper. He ran his hands through his hair as he shouted curses and profanities.

“Let’s get out of here,” the boy whispered as he tugged on the girls arm, but the girl just stood there on the side of the road, her eyes never leaving the silent head of the buck.

K.G. Sunshine

Sunday, November 20, 2011

All About Meme

What better to describe myself than a meme?
Made this one myself. I feel like this best represents my life.

At a loss of what to write about for you lovely people, hence the picture I made instead. Let me know what else you would like to see/read, though!

K.G. Sunshine

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Team Edward or Team Jacob? How About Team No.

In honor of the midnight release of Twilight, I decided to write about all of the things I find wrong with the Twilight movies, AND the books. And it's a lot. Maybe it is just because I'm bitter. Or maybe it's because I'm actually a level-headed, rational person.

First of all, let's address this “Bella” character. She obviously needs to be on medication, based on her seizures in the movies, but other than that, I would say she is an average teenage girl. Emotionally unstable, irresponsible, incompetent, and just a plain disgrace to girls like me. Remember those emotional unstable girls I talked about in my Classifieds blog? Yeah, she's like the definition. I understand you are upset about your parents divorce and moving around and starting over, but honestly, can you smile once?! You do not smile at all during the movie and just have that stupid half-gaping look on your face. You're life is not that bad at all. You have a dad that does everything he can in order to connect with you, and YOU shut him out, and instead throw yourself at the nearest vampire. What a role model for our young girls out there! Maybe you should be happy that you have a roof over your head, parents that both love you very much and food to eat every day.

Also, it's not like everyone hates her (in the book that is! In real life most people do, but that's a whole different story!). I mean, the hottest guy of every Forks High School girls' dreams walks up to her and asks her to prom! And she doesn't like him? Like that would ever happen. Any girl with the mind like hers obviously would just go for the first guy that made themselves available.

Another problem I have with Bella, in the books she thinks like a forty-four year old woman, critically analyzing everything and so aware of everything that is going on around her.

Things that she thinks:

My primary motivation behind buying a car, despite the scarcity of my funds, was that I refused to be driven around town in a car with red and blue lights on top.”

It was nice to be alone, not to have to smile and look pleased; a relief to stare dejectedly out the window at the sheeting rain and let just a few tears escape.”

I peeked up at him one more time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. As I flinched away from him, shrinking against my chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind.”

Things she says:

They are.....very nice-looking.”

Once people start throwing wet stuff, I go inside.”

I'm fine.” (Phrase repeated about 235 times in first book, and used to describe clothes/events at least fifty more times.)

You would think that with her extensive vocabulary in her thoughts, she would be able to describe things a bit better. Isn't that a little bit fishy to anyone else, or is it just me?

Now let's move on to Edward. Basically, he is the epitome of every girls worst nightmare as far as guys go. The only reason they like him is because he is a) a vampire and b) supposedly hot. Cedric Diggory was hot, but, Cedric didn't sparkle and had more of an olive complexion. Edward Cullen looks like a dead body with glitter glue.....girls find that attractive? Shameful. Now, every girl talks about how much they wish they had a guy like Edward.

So you want a guy that will:

  1. Try to drink your blood and kill you.
  2. Get mad at you for not being able to read your thoughts.
  3. Tell you that he never wants to see you again, multiple times.
  4. Break your heart, multiple times.
  5. Be bipolar (talk you to one day, ignore you the next)
  6. Get mad when you get a paper cut.

Sounds like the EXACT opposite of what girls say they want. Yet, they blindly follow Edward around in his sparkle parade? I bet if a boy walked up to you with sparkles on, one thought would be running through your head: He's probably gay. You wouldn't think: Oh my God, a vampire?! I honestly get mad when I think about everything that Edward put Bella through. And the fact that they “fell in love” so fast just makes me even more enraged. He thinks she smells, she gets offended, and then she sings of her love for him? Awesome.

Now, for all you Jacob haters out there: He is the most sane guy in the book. People say he is needy and clingy, but I can bet you any money that if a guy walked up to one of the girls saying he was “too needy” and acted the way that Jacob acted in the book, the girl would be totally smitten with him and fall in love with him. The only reason you don't like him is because, HE GETS IT! He sees how big of a jerk Edward is and cares about Bella and doesn't want to see her get hurt. Honestly, Jacob is hotter (literally, ah har har har, twilight joke!), more sensible and more reliable than Edward was and ever will be.

With that being said, Stephanie Meyer does give him some character flaws. He gets jealous. I find this to be a perfectly acceptable quality, especially since he isn't crazy jealous, he is rightly jealous. He is stubborn, but nowadays, who isn't? He has a bad temper, but nothing even close in comparison with Edwards bipolar-ness. And he can be a bit cocky at times. Let me ask you a serious question: If you had that body, wouldn't you be a bit cocky at times?

Obviously, I'm more of a fan of Jacob, but I think they are all vastly overrated and ridiculous. I mean, the books were wonderful for the most part. I believe Stephanie Meyers is a fantastic writer, but based on her novel The Host, not the twilight saga. The Host is a brilliant novel with a mainly original idea and plot behind it.

Basic point: I can't wait until twenty years from now, when every single girl who is going to the Breaking Dawn midnight premier will realize that their dreams of falling in love with a vampire or werewolf have not happened and will never come true.

K.G. Sunshine