Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Catching Some Z's in Art History

My Western Art History class (as you may know from my previous blog post, People Aren't Smart) is bright and early at 8:00am. I know what you are thinking:

Kristina, you had to wake up earlier than that for high school and middle school every day for the past seven years. It isn't that bad.”

Well, waking up at six in the morning for the past 1,260 days (give or take a day) has left me burnt out and tired. What can I say? I'm getting old! I need my rest! Fun fact for ya: If I would have slept in just an extra fifteen minutes every day, I would have gotten an extra 315 hours of sleep. That five minutes that you press snooze and go back to sleep, that no one says matters? Turns out that it all adds up.

Since my class is so early and I have been working a lot of late nights, I found myself falling asleep every day in class. I definitely would not mean to! If my plan was to sleep, I would have just stayed in my nice, warm bed and not expose myself to the frigid, morning air. I go to class to learn. Just so happens that my body doesn't feel like learning most days, and falls asleep on me. I asked a bunch of people for advice, because it was becoming a problem. When I would be watching her talk and writing down notes on the information she said, my eyes would close and my brain would shut off. I couldn't help it! It wasn't my choice.

  • First piece of advice: Get more sleep.

Oh, really?! That will help me be not as tired?! Oh great! I will get right on that! Oh, wait. I work every night and don't get home until almost eleven and then have homework and stuff to do. If I could have, I would have. This obviously isn't a viable option.

  • Second piece of advice: Chew gum!

That actually worked for a good ten minutes, until I stopped chewing and fell asleep. Then when I started chewing again it worked....until I fell asleep while chewing the gum. Obviously, I was pretty tired in class.

  • Third: Drink water!

This seemed like a great way to stay awake in class! I was so excited to try out this idea; I brought my huge 64 oz water bottle to class. I started drinking it, and it worked! Except I had to leave three times to go to the bathroom. So, I was missing about the same amount of information as I would if I was sleeping, maybe more! So that idea was a bust (Someone told me, “Just hold it until the end of class!” Okay, you try drinking 64 oz and holding it for an hour. It's difficult.).

  • Four: Pay attention in class.

I attempt this every day. It doesn't work.

And that was all the advice I got. I asked people for more, and they just shrugged their shoulders and didn't know what to tell me. I sighed and moved on with life. I fell asleep in class most days and would be proud if I stayed awake for a majority of class. Then my life changed.

I came into class two minutes before it started. Usually I am there ten minutes early like the rest of the class. Instead, the entire rest of the class was sitting in their seats, and I stroll in two minutes before the teacher began the lesson. It was awesome having everyone look at you, but it was even more awesome trying to find a seat. I finally found an open one (in the middle of the row!) and did the “awkward 'Scuse me shuffle” and popped a squat next to a random dude. Because of this, I was very uncomfortable all of class and did not fall asleep once.

So, if you are having trouble staying awake in class and you have tried all of the ways other people have suggested; chewing gum, drinking water, getting more sleep or paying attention; and nothing has worked for you, try this amazing K.G. endorsed way!

  • Show up to class right before it is time to start, and sit next to a random person you do not know. This way you will feel uncomfortable and not trust falling asleep next to them!

This message is approved by

K.G. Sunshine

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